I recommend hypnobirthing to anyone who wants to feel empowered by your birth. It is such a simple and effective tool not only for mum to be but also dad and any other care givers!
The techniques you will learn can be used throughout pregnancy to help you relax and feel connected to your baby but also post partum and beyond... I still use them now. When I am feeling a little stressed or anxious I use the techniques! My husband learnt the techniques with me and he felt very empowered at the birth as he knew exactly what to do and it felt like a partnership.
I stayed so calm throughout the whole birth and I put this down to the hypnobirthing, I always remember the midwife saying 'she doesn't show any pain at all' and I know this was 100% down to the breathing techniques.
I had planned for a homebirth but was transferred into hospital for an emergency C section, I continued the breathing and listening to the audio through the transfer and I know this helped me stay calm and relaxed, not just important for me but for baby too!
I will definitely be using hypnobirthing techniques again for my next pregnancy and birth! Loved it!!